Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Historical Debate Reaction, 10/18

Let's liveblog this motherfucker.


YAY, MICHELE BACHMANN! FIRST GAFFE OF THE NIGHT! Who had Michele in the first ninety seconds? I owe you, I had Rick Perry in the first two.

Yeah, y'are, Andy-poo. You are so pretty. Have I mentioned that?

Okay, Santy, that was nice. I almost forgive you for looking like you live up your own Santurum.

You are a champion of something, Ron. Not sure - peace and prosperity, really? Really? Cutting foreign aid is going to promote peace?

You top pizzas for a livin', Herm.

"I'm Mitt Romney. I am secretly a sock puppet."

Authentic in that you are fucking stupid, perhaps, Rick Pee.

Newt, you, unlike President Obama, are Poppin Fresh.

Um. Classy, Michele. I hope you stay in a well in Vegas.

That guy HAS to be planted by SNL.

You went to bumfuck college, Michele. You're a lawyer like George W. Bush is a member of MENSA. And why are you wearing Michael Jackson's jacket?

Fiscal associates = Sims City.

You look like you just sniffed your own shoe, Santorum.

You make George W Bush look Yankee, Rick.

Invisible taxes?

Who's spea - oh. Gleep-Glorp. Sweet! No taxes? Well I always wanted to die from my burns when my car crashes on the highway that isn't maintained and thus I crashed into a giant pothole and as the fire department can't stay afloat they couldn't rescue me, and the public hospital had no emergency room to take care of me once Congressperson Bindlestiff wandered by and tried to rescue me since he had nothing better to do as THE CAPITOL FELL DOWN.

"No, that's an apple!" Oh my god, enough with fruit.

I just tuned out, Mitten.

Anderson, you know I adore you, right? But um...are you wearing lip gloss?

Does Newt have pointy little gremlin teeth, or is that just me? Dear god, he really would be the ugliest president in a long time. "I favor...cheating on my cancer-stricken wife!"

Holy false eyelashes, Michele! What were you saying? I can't hear you through that manufactured folksy inflection.

"Thank you." I know you don't mean that, Anderson. It's okay.

Rick Perry knows the word "abject"?

*giggles* Newt. It's a funny name.

If Herman Cain had a running mate, it would be cinnastix.

Santorum's tie appears to be glowing. Is that just me, or did he go and steal ET's - I mean Ron Paul - heart? Stop attacking Romneycare, we loves us our Rombomneycare.

This is like small children - haha. And their teacher. HAHAHA. RICK GOT BOOED.

Yeah, we do like our health care. Now leave us alone, FeeFee.

The Boston Herald is a piece of shit. And our bureaucrats are notoriously batshit.

Hah, they're squabbling like children again. ANDERSON! ANDERSON! I WANNA SPEAK! MY TURN! ME ME ME! Shut up, Michele.

Blargh blah bleep no government no taxes no country blargh blah Ron Paul.

Andy's tie is niiiiice. *swoon*

AW NAW, ILLAYGULS? GIT EM! Um, you eat vegetables, right? They were picked by illegals.


God, Romney, you are such a fucking tool.

I'm pretty sure they're going to fistfight soon. And I eagerly await that.

You just shot yourself in both feet, Michele. Building a fence along the entire border is a) impractical, b) functionally impossible, and c) incredibly expensive.

You're such an apple polisher, Mitten.

You're not helping your campaign, Ricky.

The message to the Latino community from the GOP is "Show us your papers!"

Shut up about Nein Nein Nein, already, Hermit.

Petulant little shit. And HAH, Andy owned you. The issue is not anchor babies.

Pretty sure the building block of the country is brick, but sure.

Yucca yucca yucky.

What right does 49 states have to conjugate verbs correctly?

Good lord, Rick Perry has no manners - and Herman Cain is on that bus, too.

Hey, every day, I'm in the United States as well! We have so much in common, Michele! Um...except I'm not for 1950s gender roles.

Next time, pick a Twitter question that utilizes proper grammar. Also, fuck you, Herman. I may not be a fan of the way these idiots kind occupiers are going about getting their muddled message out, but you're a giant douche.

This religion thing is a farce. None of you asshats would vote for an atheist, a Jew, or a Muslim.

1. You mispronounced "heinous." 2. Those were ALL Bush's policies. 3. We were in Africa under many Republican presidents. 4. "Genocidal maniac?" Are you motherfucking kidding me? I cannot wait for you to be haunted by that clip. I also can't wait to go to sleep tonight, where I will have wonderful dreams about you being eaten alive by killer slugs.

Fuckit. I quit. I need to work, because I, unlike them, have a brain.

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